Meet Your Ministry Team

Chair of the Elders
Barb Abbring
Barb is a long-term member and supporter of our mission. She has been serving on our Church Board for many years in several capacities.

Livestream Videographer
Ashton Stevens (they/them)
This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio.

Livestream Videographer
Eric Garvin
Eric lives in one of the Group Homes and takes advantage of our transportation ministry multiple times a week. He got interested in technology while going to Easter Seals programs and loves sharing tech duties with Ashton.
Come meet us this Sunday
Our servant leadership team represents the various communities we serve, people from the special needs community, the LGBTQ+ community, and the recovery community. Many of them participate in our special needs programs and Celebrate Recovery.